30 Abr Enjoy the most fun traditional fiestas in Madrid
Every May, the fun-filled Fiestas de San Isidro take place during which, for several days of the month, you can enjoy a number of unique and traditional activities and celebrations in the city. So now you know, if you come to Madrid during these dates, you’re in for a great time!
Historical-Cultural Activities (02/05/24)

If you want to soak up history and learn how Madrid came to be the city it is today, the historical-cultural Association Voluntarios de Madrid 1808-1814, brings together hundreds of people, horses, carriages and cannons in a unique show that recalls the Popular Uprising of May 2, 1808 in the Plaza de Oriente at 17:30h.
On the other hand, the civic-military parade through Madrid on the 2nd of May will go from Montera Street to Plaza de Oriente, where you can enjoy the great historical re-enactment.
But Madrid is not only battle or war with Arrabel, the group founded in 1982 that took its name from the traditional Madrilenian instrument made from lamb bones, will spread the traditional Castilian culture in Puerta de Sol at 17:00.
We continue to get to know the most traditional Madrid with another association, Coros y Danzas Francisco de Goya, which will take us on a trip to the «majismo» with their costumes, dances, songs and popular instruments at 13:00 in the Parque de Santander and at 18:00 in the Puerta de Sol.
Concerts and dances
If what you like is dancing, there’s nothing better than doing it in the 3rd edition of Bailando por Madrid, Chotis, Pasodoble and Java Exhibitions. A dance parade through the streets of Madrid, which will start in Plaza de Oriente, passing through Arenal and Puerta del Sol to culminate in the Plaza Mayor on May 11 at 12:00 h. Don’t miss it!
Jardines de las Vistillas

Next Friday 10 May you have an appointment with music. A lyrical concert that will cover the most famous Zarzuelas madrileñas of the Spanish repertoire.
And Madrid continues to party thanks to the Federation of Traditional Madrilenian Groups which will perform on 11 and 12 May:
16.15h. Pasarela Castiza de Chulapa and Chulapo de San Isidro 2024. Parade of chulapos and deliberation of the jury.
17h. Come and dance with us – dance couples and performance.
17.45h. San Isidro chulapa and chulapo catwalk – adults
18.30h. Delivery of souvenirs and chulapa and chulapo San Isidro 2024.
18.45h. Entremés castizo – couples performance and dances
Plaza Mayor
In the beloved Plaza Mayor, concerts of all styles will also be held from 10 to 15 May to celebrate the festivities. Well-known artists will perform at these concerts, including Olga María Ramos, Diana Navarro, Carmen Toledo and Antonio José. More contemporary artists such as Ana Guerra, Blas Cantó and Bombai, among others, will also perform.
Matadero Madrid

Here you can enjoy a variety of dances and activities during these dates such as: a chotis workshop for the more traditional ones, a verbena with popular music, games and dances where the two great orchestras Atlántida Show and Nuevo Versalles 2024 will play; an event starring artists such as DJ Selectya Glossy and Glossito; and, the celebration of the integration and diversity of urban art with a female focus under the slogan «mataderas» in which artists such as Sara Socas, Arianna Puello and Faena will compete for their talent.
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