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Discover And Enjoy The Best Literature In Madrid

Discover And Enjoy The Best Literature In Madrid

Today we offer you a list of the most special bookshops and libraries in Madrid where the best literature is gathered as an alternative to traditional tourism for all those who want to enjoy a bit of the art of literature during their stay with us. Shall we go?

We will start with the best known of them all, and its fame is well deserved. The National Library is the home where copies of all the books published in Spain are received and preserved. You will need a free library card and the reading and study rooms are not for private use, but you can consult the material kept there and browse through its thematic rooms, which range from musical documents to official bulletins. Don’t miss the exhibitions, which are also free to visit during a break.

📍Paseo de Recoletos, 20-22 (Barrio de Salamanca).

From the Salamanca neighbourhood we go to the Lavapiés neighbourhood because that is where the Escuelas Pías library is located. This centre belongs to the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Here you can discover a church in ruins from the 18th century, which has a rooftop terrace with views of the capital.

It allows tours from 9:00 to 10:00 Monday to Friday for free, as well as being a study centre. A wonderful place to have a unique study experience accompanied by views of the city.

📍 Calle del Tribulete, 14 (Lavapiés)

We continue our tour of Madrid and our steps lead us to a centre near the Retiro Park, the Eugenio Trías Library. Originally, it was part of the Casa de Fieras facilities that were built in the time of Fernando VII, a perfect place to enjoy a good book and a view of the Retiro Park.

📍 Paseo Fernán Núñez, 24 (junto a la Casa de Fieras de El Retiro)

If we continue our tour, between the Reina Sofía Museum and the Retiro Park, we come across La Cuesta de Moyano. A row of stands that since 1925 has been selling everything from second-hand books at very good prices to new editions, as well as out-of-print volumes and old comics.

📍 Cuesta de Moyano s/n

Do you want to know which is the best combination? At Librería Buena Vida you will find an important selection of books that can be read on the spot and accompanied by a coffee. Or, if you prefer, you can attend literary conferences and, on occasion, watch films.

📍 Calle de Vergara, 5

If you prefer a bookshop-cafeteria specialising in cinema, where you can also find DVDs, merchandising, and all kinds of cinema articles, the best option is Ocho y Medio; they hold book signings, workshops, presentations and talks. They also have a restaurant area where you will find all the dishes with film references. A real adventure for book and film lovers.

📍 calle Martín de los Heros, 11

Tuuu Librería’s main objective is to promote reading in an economical way, through book donations to social projects or with their own Tinder account. You choose the genre of the book you like and they match you with the perfect book, which will be delivered to your home.

📍 Barrio de Salamanca: C/ Padilla, 78  Lavapiés: C/ Embajadores, 11

If you are a comic lover and want to take advantage of your visit to Madrid to increase your collection, we recommend the best shops.

Popland has become a place where you can find comics, merchandising of figures such as Asterix and Obelix, Mortadelo, Superman or Popeye.

📍 Calle de Manuela Malasaña, 24

If there is a comic that you can’t find or that is out of print, you can’t miss Elektra Cómic. Who knows, you might discover a jewel in one of its displays, or you might travel around the world through its comics without having to leave Madrid, or buy that object that you might not be able to find anywhere else.

📍 Calle San Bernardo, 20

If you are looking for variety, visit Crisis Comics because they have a very wide catalogue with Japanese, European and American options, as well as figures and other collector’s accessories.

📍 calle de la Luna, 28

If you are looking for a new concept, Generation X is your place. As well as a shop, you have at your disposal a space where you can play cards, role-playing games and meet other lovers of this culture.

You have several locations:

📍 Calle La Puebla 15, calle Elfo 98 y en Goya, en la calle de las Mártires Concepcionistas 5.

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